Suprises never cease to exist

I found these two videos the other day and they really made me giggle. The first one is a small Colbert clip regarding Texas secession and the Mid America CropLife Association's urge for pesticide use in the White House garden:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Tip/Wag - Texas Secession & MACA
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorGay Marriage Commercial

And our next video shows House Minority Leader John Boehner giving some unclear answers on the Republican stance on combating climate change. Enjoy.

Peace through communication

I wrote something a couple of months ago about a group called the Save-A-Seed-Coalition. I absolutely love what they're doing. Saving seeds for the future is one of the simplest things we can do to protect our planet. If you want to see what they're all about or even become a superforester head over to their page. I basically visit their "mother" site Superforest on a daily basis and their posts always put a smile on my face. The site's Humanifesto is particularly one of my favorite things. I want to hug everyone who came up with the ideas, words, thoughts, everything that was put into writing that. Great job guys. Check out the Humanifesto!

Superforest is all around a great website/community. They keeps things happy and humorous which is the best way to be in my opinion. So what exactly is Superforest? This comes from their site and basically sums it up rather well.

SuperForest is a system for creating and sharing Happiness.

It is a three part system:

1. Read our Humanifesto. (go! now!)

2. Make things.

3. Start a blog.

We believe that sharing ideas and inspiring one another is the most sustainable achievement of all.

We aim to help our fellow humans see the abundance all around them.

I think they're a big inspiration to a lot of people who want to have a positive impact on this world. So go check em out! I promise you won't regret it.

Your very own garden oasis

Check out this very sweet garden oasis that a husband and wife gardening team put together. I think it's both simple and fabulous looking. Head over to their blog to find out more...

Happy belated Earth Day

Like the title says, happy belated Earth day! Yesterday was a great day for me. I was busy the entire day. As my Earth day celebration I finally put out some seedlings in our newly dug garden. I wish I had some pictures to post but my camera isn't cooperating. I spent nearly the whole day outside with the lovely Florida sun. It was great =D Remember though, everyday, is earth day. Do your part.

On a separate note, I've made a twitter account, nessahernandez, if anyone is interested in following =)


Spiders are your friends...sometimes

This is probably not-so-new information for seasoned gardeners but I just got my first experience with a helpful little spider. A few days ago I went to check on my black bean plants and found the leaves mauled. I thought maybe our cats had started chewing on the leaves but the evidence didn't look like something they could manage. So I figured it was some type of insect but which? I'd never seen any caterpillars in our yard...which definitely doesn't mean they're not there but I hadn't seen any on those leaves or any others leaves for that matter.

So today I was turning the compost and decided to take a look at the plants and alas there he was, a little spider on my half-devoured plant. I almost flicked him off thinking he was the culprit...what kind of spider eats leaves?! But as I looked closer I saw he was eating something else. A tiny caterpillar! That's when I noticed a bunch of them under the folded leaves. Evil little things. So now our little spider, who Derek named Spike, is now our little hero. Click on the picture for a better view.

Here he's eating one under the fold. There's another caterpillar to the right of him with a black head. Maybe they're exacting revenge on me since my cat Orie has been killing butterfly after butterfly in our yard. Hopefully Spike can take them all :)

Until next time. Peace.

New experiences

I've started writing for, a place to go to find out about all the things your city has to offer you. I write about green living in Orlando. Some of the things you find here might be on my examiner page but I'll have a lot of different things up as well. Find it here