The overused phrase "Going Green"

We've all heard the phrase many times. Businesses have jumped on the bandwagon in hopes of pulling in a profit. Thousands of products are now considered 'eco-friendly' and there's been an explosion in organic foods and the like. But have you really thought about what all of that means? 'Going green' involves a complete life change. It's not just recycling or doing one thing here or there. Of course that is a great start but in order to really make a positive difference on this Earth we have to drop all of our preconceived notions about the way we consume, drive, and live. All of us working together will bring about the positive change we seek. It will be challenging, yes. That fact in itself shouldn't scare us away from attempting to make our lives eco-friendly. Not only does becoming greener help us stay healthy but by becoming energy efficient and even energy independent you can save the earth and your wallet.

But the main point of this blog is to chronicle me, my boyfriend, and my roommates journey to a greener and hopefully self-sufficient way of life. I'll be documenting as much of that experience as I can on here and I'll be adding tips and advice along the way as well. Watch for us.


Love, Laugh, Learn, Listen, L... said...

I think we are following the same path. I have been green-obsessed for a while now: everything from recycling, composting, gardening on my 1x1 balcony, to thinking how green my baby will be :) My boyfriend and I have replaced all our lights to energy-efficient, we even took some of them off - there were 8 light bulbs over our sink in the bathroom!!!! and 2 more over the shower and toilet!!!! Ridiculous! Now we have 5 :)
Plus, I have become a vegetarian last August, and hanging tight on it :) It was much easier than I thought.

I am a nanny, so have a lot of time to think how to make "my children" green :) So I decided to start a blog on green parenting and living. Mine will be called "Free and Green" :) I didn't know that there is "Green and Free already.
I would love to follow up on your journey, and maybe comment on your experience and learn from it.
Good luck.