After months of dreaming and searching, we finally got a greasecar (it runs on vegetable oil). It's quite exciting if I do say so myself. My boyfriend, Derek, found some listings on We found one we really liked and headed to N.C. for it. Derek, myself, and our roommate Jeff took the leap together. A lot of people thought it was funny that it took 3 people to get a car. But why not make it a vacation when you can? So we hopped on a train from Kissimmee, FL. The whole ride took about 13 hours and was surprisingly awesome other than the persistent dripping of water on me when I was trying to sleep. We arrived in Durham, NC and tried to rent a car which failed. Memorial Day weekend. Oops. 170.00 dollars later we arrived at our destination by cab and got our car, a 1982 Mercedes-Benz 300SD. Love it.
After getting the car we evaded the cops for a few days since we didn't think ahead about getting tags. Double oops. But we decided to head to Helen, GA anyway. After a really grumpy drive we arrived around 1am to the little German town. The three of us spent a day at Unicoi State Park the next day. Jeff made us some delicious breakfast and Derek fell in the river as he was trying to save a little boys baseball from an untimely death. A success overall I'd say...except for Derek. Sorry babe.
Pictures coming soon!!
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